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2011年04月17日 15:51:43 来源:河南省襄城高中 访问量:3721
完形填空  重视首尾句,把握整体。顺着作者的思路,看清作者的意图即作者想要通过什么事表达什么意思,从而抓住文章的主旨。在这个主旨下做题,正确率就会高许多。在做题过程中,要关注上下语境暗示,关注搭配(动词和介词、副词的搭配,动宾搭配,主语和谓语、表语的搭配等)
I put the newspaper away and rushed out angrily. Seeing me, Sindu looked a bit ___1_ , tears welling up in her eyes. I said loudly, “Sindu, why don’t you eat the__2__ ?”Sindu wiped her tears with her hands and said___3_,“Dad, if I eat this entire rice, will you give me whatever I ask for?”
“Promise”, but I became a bit anxious. “Dear, you shouldn’t __4__ on getting a computer or any such expensive items. Dad does not have that kind of __5__ right now. OK?”
“No, Dad. I do not want to buy anything expensive”. Slowly and __6_ , she finished eating the whole quantity finally. Sindu came to me with her eyes wide with__7___. All our attention was on her. “Dad, I want to have my head shaved off, this Sunday!”
“A girl child had her head shaved off? _8___!”
“Dad, you saw how difficult it was for me to eat that rice. If you go back on your word, I will never learn to __9_ mine”. I had to agree.
On Monday morning, I _10__ her at her school gate. I watched my hairless Sindu walking towards her classroom _11__ I heard a boy shouting , “Sindu, please wait!” what_12__ me was the hairless head of that boy.
“Sir, your daughter is great indeed!” Without_13__ herself, a lady got out of the car, and continued, “That boy is my son Harish suffering from…leukemia”. She paused and tried to __14_ her tears. “ Harish lost all his hair due to the side effects of the chemotherapy(化疗).He_15_to come back to school fearing the _16__ and cruel teasing (讥笑) of the schoolmates. Sindu visited him last week and promised him that she will deal with the teasing issue. But I never __17_ she would sacrifice her lovely hair to help my son out!”
“Sir, you are _18__ to have such a noble soul as your daughter,”
I learned from my daughter that the _19__ people on this planet are not those who live in their own way but are those who are willing to_20__ themselves for others!
1. A .annoyed        B. hurt            C. excited                D. frightened
2. A. fruit           B. bread           C. rice                   D. cake
3. A. softly          B. loudly           C. angrily                D. slightly
4. A. go            B. insist            C. carry                  D. turn
5. A. money         B. time           C. computers              D. rice
6. A. anxiously      B. hurriedly        C. painfully             D. happily
7. A. surprise        B. expectation       C. excitement            D. purpose
8. A. possible        B. impossible      C. amused              D. damned
9. A. admire         B. break            C. realize               D. keep
10. A. dropped       B. sent             C. left                  D. met
11. A. as            B. while            C. when                D. since
12. A. struck         B. touched          C. moved               D. frightened
13. A. asking         B. introducing       C. saying               D. addressing
14. A. get back        B. look back        C. turn back             D. hold back
15. A. wanted         B. refused           C. offered             D. volunteered
16. A. unfriendly      B. worrying         C. disappointing         D. unintentional
17. A. hoped         B. suggested         C. expected            D. agreed
18. A. pleased        B. willing             C. lovely              D. fortunate
19. A. happiest       B. saddest             C. craziest             D. coolest
20. A. love          B. change             C. remain              D. contribute
答案:1-5 DCACA   6-10 CBBDA   11-15 CABDB   16-20 ACDAB
第六题,误选D.实际本题是有语境暗示的,从下文的Dad, you saw how difficult it was for me to eat that rice可以看出是slowly and painfuly;(关注语境)
第十二题,误选B或C, 这是因为对strike理解不到位,strike在众多词义中有一个impress somebody deeply.(积累词汇及重点词的多个意思,勤翻字典)
第十六题,误选B.此题可以根据and cruel 来判断,and 多并列同义词。
第二十题,误选D.此题是文章的提升点,好似小女孩为了帮助别人而把自己的头发剃光是contribute,但是却忽略了此题是处在not.....but...句中,从“not those who live in their own way”可知”but are those who are willing to_change__ themselves for others”本文旨在通过小女孩为了帮助别人而把自己的头发剃光来表达最幸福的人是为了别人而愿意改变自己的人;并且contribute 和to搭配,而change 和for搭配。(关注主旨,关注搭配)

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